
One Cool CAT

Basic Flat Fee MLS Listing Package

Flat Fee MLS Listing Package

Questions? Call:
(888) 657-5833 Ext. 1

Getting your home listed on the MLS is easy - fill out one simple form to get started.
Over 80% of buyers are using agents. In a difficult market, you need to get in front of these buyers and agents to sell your home. For a one-time flat fee, homeowners can receive maximum exposure to local qualified buyers and save thousands in commission.

Our Flat Fee MLS listing includes the best features needed to sell your home:
  • 6-month listing on your local MLS (remove your property at any time)
  •® listing for 6 months, the internet's largest national real estate website.
  • Private Website for your Property - Buyers will find and remember your property with a unique website address. Property websites such as are now industry standard for effective online home marketing. Your private website will have no ads and will be maintained for 12 months for no additional fee. We make it easy and do all the work for you.
  • Toll-free live expert support by calling (885) 657-5833
  • Exposure to thousands of local buyers every month.
  • No commissions are paid if you find an independent buyer.
  • Listing on's partner sites - your listing is posted on 20+ partner real estate websites such as MSN Real Estate®, Trulia®,,,,  and many more.
  • 6 Month MLS with's partner sites and syndicated Internet Listing - manage all your Internet Listings here!
  • You set the commission to offer brokers/buyer's agents
  • One time flat fee for MLS data entry
  • Find a buyer without an agent and pay NO COMMISSION
  • 4 photos on local MLS
  • 4 photos on
  • 3 Free changes

Here is a typical homeowner's savings with our Flat Fee MLS listing package:

Your Home's Value $

Calculate »

Traditional Agent

Flat Fee MLS Listing


$ Commission

(6% for Both Agents)

$395 flat rate

$ Commission

(optional 3% for Buyer's Agent)

Total Fees



$ Savings

The Multiple Listing Service is the traditional method agents use to find homes for their buyers, but MLS listings are
also seen by most independent buyers searching for a home online. This means you could easily get offers from buyers working with agents
and buyers without agents. With Flat Fee MLS, you are free to choose the right offer for you - one that includes
a commission for the buyer's agent*, or one where no agents are involved. You stay in control the
entire time.

* A 2-3% commission is typically recommended for a buyer's agent when your home is placed
on the MLS.

A processing charge of $75 will be applied to any canceled order whose signs have been shipped and forms submitted for processing.

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